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"Love the Divine with all your strength so that heaven becomes your world."

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""I see myself as a guide with a lantern in hand, walking beside you to gently illuminate the hidden corners of your path. With unconditional acceptance and deep respect for your story, I accompany your journey with the certainty that, when you choose to see, the power to transform is already within you, waiting to be discovered."

"Through ancestral wisdom, we remember the cosmic memory; the mystery is lived through dance."

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"The Spiritual path invites us to have an open mind and the willingness deep within to step forward and take the journey. Devine love is the foundation to heal verbal, emotional, and physical pain. Self love is the seed to healing and Devine love is the water necessary for growth. In Pachamama we find the foundation, in Pachatata the water, and in you the light that shines through. Enjoy the journey!"


"Live in balance, release gracefully, and let silent wisdom guide each step." 


"The sacred already exists. It is everywhere, in each of us. We do not need to create it, simply to remember it and embody it. To treat others as sacred, we must first allow ourselves to see them as such. When we have remembered with our full being the sacred within, it becomes effortless to see it all around us." 

The path of awakening, self discovery, and healing is not a path reserved for the Gurus. This is a path we can all explore. A path of freedom, where we are free to think, free to choose, free to change, and free to move on from whatever is no longer serving our lives. 

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