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Communion with Madre Aya

I had heard her call 2 years before I had the opportunity to commune with her. She was in my energy field as I learned Icaros of gratitude in her honor from a Master teacher. Her medicine came to me in a rose quartz necklace I received, with an Ayahuasca vine adhered to the top. Slowly, she called me closer and closer, her essence gifting me wisdom along the way. Through Pachamama Sacred Paths, I got to gradually strengthen my relationship with her, beginning with microdosing. Introducing her essence into my body, I’d sing her Icaros: 

“Madre Ayahuasca les gracias te doy, les gracias te doy” (x2)

Por abrir corazon, a la sanacion, abrirle amor” (x2)

She began to strengthen my connection with Nature. I felt her flow through my body, awakening my cells to the interconnectedness of all things. She was calling me to heal… to slow down and stop running from my shadows… inviting me to move through fear and embrace the teachings in-between the highs and lows of life. 

She taught me how to love myself again, as I witnessed her unconditional love for me… she loved all of me, the broken pieces, the darkest parts, the aspects of me hidden from the world for fear of rejection and judgement. There was no judgement from her – only pure unconditional love.

I was ready to deepen my connection to Madre Aya and sat in sacred ceremony with her for the first time, in a setting so beautiful it took my breath away. Surrounded by majestic mountains, on the heels of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. It was meant to be – Divine timing.

In the moments leading up to communion, I was fearful of what she’d show me. I took the first cup and sat, waiting patiently for her teachings. 

I wondered, “Am I doing this right? Why don’t I feel her?”. 

As Donny, the Shaman of the ceremony, offered me the second cup, I admitted,

“I’m in resistance”. 

He told me, “Invite her in as you would a friend”. “Speak to her.” 

I took his advice with me as I sat back down in front of the Ofrenda – the sacred alter. 

My Spirit name is Nani Sky-Wolf, and I soon heard what sounded like a wolf breathing in my ear. 

“Surrender”, I reminded myself. “It’s just your Wolf”.

 Madre Aya revealed my true self to me in that moment. I felt one with the highest version of who I’m meant to be in this lifetime… connected to the Medicine of the Wolf… here to serve humanity in ways that raise the consciousness of the planet and bring the wisdom of Pachamama to all who are ready to walk this Medicine path in Ayni (sacred reciprocity). 

As I continued to invite her in, I began to see geometric patterns – the medicine of the Jungle.

 I heard her say, “Welcome home”. 

I felt embraced in her unconditional love as the medicine coursed through my body. She took me on a journey – physically supporting me with purging all that no longer served me. Hucha (dense, low vibrational energy) that’d I’d been carrying in my body from past traumas – purged out of me to be transmuted and transformed into Sami (highest vibrational energy). 

I carry her Medicine with me as I walk through life in Ayni, embracing her teachings with an open heart. I’m incredibly grateful for her wisdom… to Pachamama Sacred Paths for providing a path for me to walk alongside her, under the guidance and support of Master teachers, Medicine Men and Women, Shamans. 

The journey has just begun, as I continue to deepen my relationship with her and strengthen my own medicine along the way. 

In infinite gratitude and Munay to Madre Ayahuasca. 

Adrianna “Nani Sky-Wolf” McManus



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