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Medicine Ways

We arrive at the threshold of our awakening path, but are we willing and able to face our fears to walk through? What will happen if we do? What will be revealed to us? Perhaps it will be the dark shadows of our psyche that we are not so friendly with—and we resist and fight it, here comes suffering. Instead, perhaps we will find our power, strength and even see our shining light, our divinity, and then, will we able to sustain the frequency of this newfound vibration?  How will we be, if we find that we are truly divine beings having a physical experience? Either way, there is no right or wrong—it’s not what not the outcome, but rather the journey that we walk to get there. All our unique experiences to discover who we are, gifting us our presence, every time we become closer and closer to finding our own personal truth. Perhaps it takes first, knowing what we don’t want, to get to what we do want. Sometimes we need a lot of what we don’t want to get to finally choosing more of what we do want. What is the difference? Medicine ways holds us by the hand, embraces us, loves us, and kicks us into shape; all that we need is always given; exactly what we need, when we need it; the beauty of the medicine—she fills us up, allows us to release and everything in between. Medicine ways are here, to open our heart and reveal our true divinity so that we can be better humans on this planet, and be a part of the collective greater good, so that we can be the medicine. We can heal our sorrows, our wounds, we can learn to be the medicine that we are, we can see our becoming, and be it. With gratitude, and an open heart, much may be revealed to us. May the medicine ways guide our path into knowing our true divine nature.

Noccan Kani,

Ana Luna

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