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Greetings! I have loved working with Sacred Pachamama Paths since 2022. My first experience was a retreat to manage severe trauma symptoms. That experience changed my life and called me to continue a path dedicated to exploring the power of energy shifting.  Who we are does not end with our skin. Our life energy contributes to the creative dance representing our individuality. In addition to studying and practicing Reiki, through Sacred Pashamama Paths, I have been initiated into Pratismarati Breathwork and Andean Energy work. This work has provided the spiritual discipline that has become the foundation of my waking life.


I’ve also completed our 9-month shamanic introduction course, “Pathways to Runa,” experiencing first-hand the power of Andean Cosmology and rituals. The Andean Cosmovision challenged me to let go of my normal way of thinking about the world and approach it with the possibility of thinking in a new way… accommodating  a new world view rather than trying to make new information fit into my past views.  This knowledge has allowed me to practice thinking with my heart and feeling with my brain.


My path to volunteering is driven by a desire to add meaning to my life. Through my experience with plant medicine and study, I have found that, hiding behind my trauma, was a person with gifts and  unique abilities. As I do the work to find myself in love and light, I’m discovering that I get the most joy when I share my talents, gifts, and abilities with others on their journey to become whole. This year, I began serving the Pachamama community as a retreat volunteer. This work inspired me to think about the beauty of serving. Serving is not saving! For me, it’s an opportunity to tap into my gifts and passions to build my own self-confidence, energy, and strength. 


Serving allows me to be part of a community. Communities are like human bodies. Just like our bodies are made of many parts serving specific functions, communities are made up of people with different skills and abilities. Alone these pieces aren’t very useful, but together we create something beautiful. At our retreats, I love making community soup where all participants are invited to ‘taste test’ and add spices and vegetables that reflect their own preferences. When it’s served, it is truly a community soup!


Hold space for others allows me to experience joy and peace…shifting my focus off myself and onto others. Holding space is a form of energetic celebration, a way to express gratitude for what the universe has blessed me with and to share the love and grace I’ve been given. 


For those retreats I participate in, for those who are seeking trauma relief, I offer 30-minute pre-retreat Reiki sessions.  If you are interested, ask if I’ll be at your retreat and we can make it happen! I hope to see you soon!

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